Outside, the snow is swirling and twirling, but inside, our white fur covered friend is toasty and warm. It wasn’t always that way, as she once was frigid and afraid of anything resembling ice.

You see, our doll was once haunted by a spirit with severe winter blues. Every time the temperature would dip, visions of snow cap mountains and blizzards would overtake her, leaving her frozen in fear.
Before we warmed her aura, she was possessed by the spirit of a little girl, who was once abandoned on the Datlov Pass in the Ural Mountains. After surviving on polecats and narrowly escaping a band of Russian Yetis, she met her ultimate demise at the hands of an unexpected late spring avalanche. At the time of her death, investigators claimed natural causes but our doll spirit knew it should have been listed as parental neglect.
Luckily, Alosia was around during the December Full Cold Moon and she was able to send the doll into the new year purged of her chilling spirit.
This doll* is now happy, basking in the warm hygge candle glow. But beware, extended periods outdoors in the winter still give her the chills. She would do best in a home with helicopter parents, who will dutifully watch her every move.
*Doll no longer for sale. She has a forever home.